What is Sclerotherapy?
Many people have small veins, most commonly found on the thighs, around the knees, on the calves and on the ankles, which they consider unattractive.Although this condition
is called telangiectasias it is also known as spider veins, varicosities, broken capillaries or sunburst vessels. These veins do not serve a purpose instead are usually unsightly and cosmetically unacceptable.
Sclerotherapy Treatment?
Sclerotherapy consists of repeated injections of a solution into the veins. This irritates the vein lining, causing a small, inconsequential clot in the vein. The vein is compressed with a bandage for a variable time depending on the size of the vein. With the flow of blood stopped, the vein will dry up and eventually disappear. This procedure is generally performed on the lower extremities. The solution is usually injected into the veins 2 or 3 times over a period of several weeks.
Although the veins will generally begin to disappear within several weeks following treatment, it may take up to several months for them to go. This process may need to be repeated, depending on the degree of severity. Most spider veins may be re or pink, violet or blue in colour and are managed with injections. Some very small veins are unable to be injected and so are managed with IPL laser therapy or diathermy. Varicose veins, which are pencil diameter or larger may be treated by injection or surgery.
Sclerotherapy is carried out as an office procedure, usually requiring 20 minutes or longer per session. Generally, no more than 1 or 2 areas are treated at a time.
For extensive vein treatment, several visits will be necessary.
After Effects?
Most patients experience minimal pain during injection treatment. Any discomfort is usually related to the irritation caused by the solution injected into the vein, but this will subside.
Following the treatment, pressure is applied by bandage or tape for 5+ days.
The bandage must be left on for 5 days even when showering.
Occasionally the bandage may cause swelling and may need loosening.
Rest is generally not necessary, in fact, daily walking for 20 minutes after treatment is strongly encouraged and normal activity can be resumed.
After treatment if you have any problems or concerns please contact me.
What Are the Risks?
Most patients are extremely pleased with the results of sclerotherapy and complications are unusual.
However complications may include ulceration of the skin that may heal with scar formation, reddish blotches most will disappear within 6-12 months, pigmentation or discolouration and formation of new spider veins or sunburst blemishes. Very rarely Deep Vein Thrombosis may develop requiring hospitalisation and may even cause blood clots to the lungs.
These risks can be discussed before treatment with Duquessa’s Cosmetic Nurse Practitioner. For all enquiries please call our booking office 03 9388 9500 or email info@duquessa.com.au