Skin treatment

Vampire Facial

Revealed: Kim Kardashian’s Vampire Facial PRP Secrets March 2013 - Kim Kardashian uploads several gruesome looking pics of her blood smeared face to a popular social networking site without comment... READ MORE

Vampire Facial2015-02-19T03:37:17+11:00


ACNE Duquessa offers advise for the Management of mild acne: Most patients with mild acne can be treated with topical treatment (gels, solutions and lotions) that can be obtained over-the-counter READ MORE

ACNE TREATMENTS2015-02-01T06:00:23+11:00


Highly Effective Light-Based Treatments Provide Permanent Hair Reduction Duquessa Skin  and Anti Aging Clinic Melbourne are  pleased to announce will are offering advanced pulsed-light treatments for permanent hair reduction. If READ MORE

LASER HAIR REMOVAL2014-04-24T08:25:30+11:00
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